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Spain and France Agree on Hydrogen Pipeline Project

Enagás, GRTgaz and Teréga, in cooperation with OGE, announce signing a joint development agreement for the development of the BarMar hydrogen infrastructure. 

Jun 26, 2024


The three developing partners of the BarMar project, which will connect Spain and France by a maritime hydrogen pipeline, Enagás (transmission system operator from Spain), GRTgaz and Teréga (transmission system operators from France), in coordination with the associated partner OGE (transmission system operator from Germany), have signed a joint development agreement defining the conditions under which the parties agree to collaborate on the participation of the BarMar project in its development phase. 

Also Read: Italy, Germany, Austria to Develop Southern Hydrogen Corridor Pipeline

The JDA provides specifically the conditions for the parties to jointly develop the necessary feasibility studies concerning BarMar and sets out the preliminary minimal conditions for the final investment decision, as well as the main principles for the establishment of the special project vehicle (SPV) and the definition of its governance. According to the terms of the agreement, and pending the closing of the FID, Enagás will contribute 50 percent of the shareholding, GRTgaz 33.3 percent and Teréga 16.7 percent, representing identical percentages in the Spanish and French parts of the project BarMar: 50% each. 

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