ONGC Videsh to Reacquire a 20 Percent Stake in Sakhalin-1 Oil and Gas Field

ONGC Videsh Ltd has appealed to Russian authorities to retake a 20 percent stake in the Sakhalin-1 oil and gas fields. November 18, 2022 ONGC Videsh Ltd. (OVL), the overseas subdivision of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), has put forth an official appeal to Russian authorities to retake a 20 percent stake in the […]
Tullow Oil Reaches Out to ONGC Videsh, IOCL for a Kenyan project

Tullow Oil is optimistic about finding an investor for the onshore oil project in Kenya during the second half of this year. London-headquartered Tullow Oil has reached out to India’s major PSU in the oil & gas sector – ONGC Videsh Ltd. in Nairobi. The discussions between the two firms are about the London-based firm’s […]