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Blumet Tubes: Connecting The World with Innovative Tubes

blumet tubes

Blumet Tubes Private Limited, which has grown exponentially in the past two years, sees itself as a leading tube manufacturer, having recognition and presence at both national and international levels. This was revealed by Mr. Arvind Mehta, Managing Director, Blumet Tubes Private Limited, during his recent interaction with the Tube & Pipe India magazine. Tube […]

Krypton Steelworks: Crafting Excellence in Steel with Innovative Solutions

Krypton Steelworks

Riding high on robust growth, coupled with a significant surge (58.81 percent in FY22) in revenue, Krypton Steelworks is taking great strides to become a leading provider of high-quality stainless steel solutions in India. This was shared by Mr. Nigamananda Choudhary, Director, Krypton Steelworks Private Limited, during his interaction with Tube & Pipe India. Tube […]

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