Mr. Joe Biden, the US President, has signed legislation and has ratified all required permits for the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) project. The project spans an area of nearly 303 miles and is expected to get completed by the end of 2023 at an estimated cost of USD 6.6 billion.
Jun 7, 2023

Mr. Joe Biden, the US President, has signed legislation, hence ratifying and approving all the necessary permits for the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP). Equitrans Midstream, the operator of the MVP, anticipates the project to get completed by the end of 2023 at an estimated cost of nearly USD 6.6 billion. The project spans nearly 303 miles across West Virginia and Virginia and aims to provide cost-effective access to natural gas to the mid-Atlantic and southeast regions of the US.
The newly signed legislation acknowledges the benefits of the MVP project, including advancing energy security, facilitating a transition to a lower-carbon economy, and ensuring energy reliability and affordability for American consumers.
The legislation will increase the nation’s debt limit and mandates the Secretary of the Army to issue all permits or verifications required to finalize the project’s construction and enable the operation and maintenance of the MVP no later than June 24, 2023. The legislation also removes the court’s jurisdiction to review agency actions regarding approvals necessary.
Mr. Thomas F. Karam, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Equitrans Midstream, stated, “We are grateful for the full support of the White House, the strong bipartisan leadership of Democratic and Republican legislators, the resolute dedication of Senator Capito, and the unwavering commitment of Chairman Manchin for recognizing and declaring MVP as a critical energy infrastructure project.”
The MVP project has undergone rigorous environmental review and scrutiny and its state and federal permits have consistently faced legal challenges and subsequent overturning.