Inductotherm Group Presents the Thermatool© SuperVizorTM Headset: Real-Time Resolution of Client’s Problems

Inductotherm Group has launched its ground-breaking solution to allow real-time solutions for client problems, the Thermatool© SuperVizorTM Headset. The headset connects the client’s technician with Inductotherm’s technician through augmented vision sharing, allowing solution in real-time.

May 25, 2023

Inductotherm Group

Inductotherm Group has launched the Thermatool© SuperVizorTM Headset, a groundbreaking solution for real-time problem-solving. The SuperVizorTM Headset is designed to provide the fastest response to diagnostic and troubleshooting queries.

Donning the SuperVizorTM Headset, the client’s employee would step into a world of augmented reality where Thermatool experts can see exactly what they see. The client’s technician will interact with Inductotherm’s technician, and will receive drawings and documents shared to swiftly resolve the problem at hand. The SuperVizorTM Headset takes support to the next level by providing the client’s team with step-by- step guidance through problem-solving with virtual elements, like augmented arrows and markups for clear instruction and direction. 

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The SuperVizorTM Headset comes packed with features and benefits that dramatically improve the efficiency of the in-plant maintenance team. While establishing direct contact the headset follows all relevant safety procedures, like lock out tag out. Hands-free access to drawings and documentation helps eliminate costly travel time and expenses.

The Thermatool© SuperVizorTM Headset is the future of problem-solving and allow experiencing a new level of productivity and efficiency in maintenance and troubleshooting.

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