ITL Industries Limited is offering Model CFC – cutting, both sides facing, and ID-OD chamfering machines for tubes and pipes available in the diameter range of 50, 75, 100, and 125 mm.
Jan 10, 2024

ITL Industries Limited, India, a pioneer and leader in designing and manufacturing of standard and custom-built metal sawing machines since 1985, is offering Model CFC – cutting, both sides facing, and ID-OD chamfering machines for tubes and pipes in one setup with great precision and productivity. Models available are in the diameter range of 50, 75, 100, and 125 mm. Also, solid bars can be cut and OD chamfered on these machines. Length accuracy can be achieved in +/- 0.07 mm. Productivity can be achieved up to 500 numbers per hour depending upon the size of the finished end product. These machines offer high value for money and can be operated without any hassle. Mitsubishi PLC HMI is highly reliable for the continuous running of these machines. ITL Industries, India has been a pioneer and leader in designing and manufacturing standard and custom-built metal sawing machines since 1985.