Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has connected the Panna oilfield in the Arabian Sea basin with the shore through a sub-sea pipeline. The pipeline will transport crude oil and save transportation costs amounting to USD 43,000 per day.
Jun 22, 2023

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has linked the Arabian Sea-based Panna oilfield to the shore through a sub-sea pipeline. The pipeline was laid in two segments of 37.50 km along with three main oil line pumps (MOL) and 3 booster pumps. The pipeline will help reduce the USD 43,000 per day cost of transporting crude oil to the shore.
The Panna-Mukta oilfield consists of two adjacent offshore oil fields northwest of Mumbai and is a part of ONGC’s Bassein & Satellite (B&S) asset of western offshore. The Panna field produces 9,600 barrels of oil per day.
ONGC commented, “The successful linkage of the Panna process platform with the subsea pipeline has achieved a significant cost reduction of approximately USD 43,000 per day.”
The state-owned organization further said, “The submarine pipeline connection minimizes the production downtime associated with tanker changeovers and eliminates demurrage charges during adverse weather conditions. These combined savings and improved operational agility position ONGC for long-term success in the offshore oil and gas sector.”
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ONGC also stated, “This remarkable feat is a triumph for ONGC and underscores its commitment to technological advancement and ushering in operational excellence in the oil and gas industry to raise output and further secure India’s energy interest.”