RR Ispat, a unit of Godawari Power and Ispat Limited (GPIL), is set to launch a new HR coil mill in 2024 and this is the biggest contribution HIRA has made to the pipe industry. The company aims to enter larger pipe segments and become one of the top five manufacturers in India, all while delivering quality pipes at competitive prices. This was revealed by Mr. Pranay Agrawal, Director of the HIRA Group, during an interview with Tube & Pipe India.

Tube & Pipe India: Could you take us through the business journey of RR Ispat (A Unit of Godawari Power and Ispat Limited)?
Pranay Agrawal: RR Ispat is a unit of Godawari Power and Ispat Ltd., the flagship company of the Raipur-based HIRA Group of Industries, which is a conglomerate of 15 companies across India. It’s a family-run business, and our identity is deeply tied to our names. HIRA, Godawari, and RR all have personal significance to our family. HIRA is named after the Hirakud Dam, our place of origin. RR stands for my great-grandfather, Shri Ram Richhpal Agarwal, while Godawari is the name of my great-grandmother Shrimati Godawari Devi Agrawal. We remain strongly connected to our roots.
RR Ispat was established in 1999 with the vision of becoming the most trusted steel brand in Central India. We started by manufacturing TMT bars and later diversified into wire rods. In 2001, we launched our flagship company, Godawari Power and Ispat Limited (GPIL), which was subsequently listed on the stock exchange, making RR Ispat a unit of GPIL is an integrated steel plant that handles everything from iron ore processing to the production of billets, pellets, and wire rods.
As the third generation joined the business, we sought further diversification. Following the integration plan devised by my uncle, Mr. Dinesh Agrawal, we entered new markets, including pipes, tower line transmission structures, railway OHE structures, lighting poles, high masts, flag masts, crash barriers, and various galvanized steel products. In 2018, we established our first pipe mill, followed by a second in 2020. The year 2024 has been particularly significant for us, as we’ve already set up our third mill and are preparing to launch an HR coil-cum-structure mill next month.
In just a decade, we’ve become one of the most trusted brands across India. Through product diversification, technological upgrades, and a focus on customer satisfaction, we are poised to make an even bigger name for ourselves in the pipe industry.
TPI: What is your annual manufacturing capacity, and in what sectors are your products used?
PA: Our current annual manufacturing capacity is approximately 1,20,000 tonnes. Most of our products are used in the fabricated sector, including mobile towers and solar dual pump structures. We also serve the agriculture sector, with casing pipes being a key revenue driver. These pipes are our cash cows, and we are now expanding into structures like sheds made of pipes. We are targeting the shed business, building fabrication, and solar megawatt structures, as these are emerging markets with significant potential.
TPI: When do you plan to achieve carbon neutrality?
PA: Achieving carbon neutrality is a progressive journey for us. We aim to be near our target by 2050. The HIRA Group is always in expansion mode, and as a now net debt-free company, we are spreading our wings even wider. Currently, the HIRA Group is close to being net carbon neutral, as 75% of our power is generated through waste heat recovery, 20% from solar plants, and 5% from the trees we plant.
TPI: Could you outline your CSR activities and the importance of sustainability to your company?
PA: Compliance-based CSR activities are integral to our corporate DNA. We believe in creating meaningful stories and beautifying the cities where we operate. Our Make-in-India square in Raipur is a unique initiative. Whether or not HIRA endures, our story will be remembered. Our survival in the industry for over 50 years is a testament to this belief. Recognizing the environment and society’s contributions to our success, we feel a deep responsibility to give back. Last year, we planted 50,000 trees. Across our one 100-acre and one 18-acre campuses, we’ve planted over 5,00,000 saplings. My uncle, Mr. Dinesh Agrawal, strongly believes that planting trees is the best path to carbon neutrality. We’ve also established solar plants with a total capacity of 160 megawatts in our parent unit. While establishing solar plants is currently expensive, this will change by 2028-2030, when ESG norms strengthen, and every company will be compelled to adopt solar power. Going solar now is a future-smart strategy.

TPI: What are your thoughts on the growth prospects of the Indian tube and pipe industry?
PA: Based on my research, the Indian tube and pipe industry is experiencing a CAGR of about 8-10% annually and has achieved remarkable growth over the last five years. Some companies have surprised everyone by reaching production levels of 2,00,000 or 3,00,000 tonnes per month. I foresee further growth in the industry, as India is shifting from cement buildings to steel due to its faster construction, better quality control, and cost efficiency. Industry experts are now focusing on larger segments like 300 mm, 400 mm, and 500 mm square and rectangular pipes, which have significant growth potential.
TPI: Can you share some recent developments at the HIRA Group?
PA: We are constantly seeking ways to bring positive change to the industry. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a significant gap between strip quality and HR quality, which inspired my uncle to come up with a new idea. We have a great source of iron ore, which is like a gold mine, along with a good quantity of sulphur and phosphorus, both of which are below 0.04%. In about a month, we will be launching our HR coil-cum-structure mill, where we will manufacture angles, channels, and HR coils up to 620 mm in length. We aim to reach new heights with this facility and get closer to our parent company. This will be our most significant innovation to date and the largest contribution HIRA has made to the MS ERW Pipe industry.
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TPI: Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
PA: We are currently focusing on the HR coil-based pipe market. We believe in aiming high, knowing that even if we don’t fully reach our goals, the results will still be favorable. We plan to enter larger pipe segments in 2025, and within the next five years, we aim to become one of the top five manufacturers in the country, producing quality pipes at the right price and delivering them on time.
TPI: What are your impressions of the second edition of the Tube & Pipe Fair in Hyderabad?
PA: This was our first expo, and I must say that our debut experience was both amazing and informative. Industry fairs like this one provide manufacturers like us with the opportunity to meet other industry leaders and learn from them. The HIRA Group believes in continuous learning and evolving to become a better version of ourselves every day. TPF 2024 has opened up new avenues and opportunities for us, and we look forward to participating in TPF 2025, scheduled to be held in New Delhi from November 4-6, 2025. We believe the third edition will be even bigger and better.